Health and Wellbeing: Entrepreneurship Opportunities in the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Industr.

The global complementary and alternative medicine market report in 2020 valued the industry at about US$ 82 billion with a potential to increase depending on investments made into the industry. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the already high demand for complementary and alternative medicines across developing countries and Asia have been identified as the two major driving forces of the market.

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Financing a National Pandemic Preparedness Strategy for Future Pandemics: The Role of Public Private Partnerships (PPP).

Few natural perils threaten more loss of lives, economic disruption, and social disorder than large-scale disease outbreaks. For the past years, there have been records of outbreaks and pandemics that have affected a lot of lives and economies globally. The high death count and social disruption are not the only costs associated with pandemics; the financial and economic damages are also devastating.

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Investment Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in Ghana’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Since the Paris Agreement was adopted in December 2015, over 150 countries have submitted national plans which target aggressive growth in climate solutions—including renewable energy, low-carbon cities, energy efficiency, sustainable forest management, and climate-smart agriculture. These plans, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), are expected to offer a clear direction for investments that will target climate-resilient infrastructure and offset higher upfront costs through efficiency gains and fuel savings.

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Impact Of Digitalization On Businesses and Financiers.

The concept of transformation in digital approaches and systems through the use of digital technologies in a strategic manner that streamlines and accelerates business operations has increased in recent times. Digitization of businesses not only promotes increases in revenue for businesses but also enhances customer experience and gaining a competitive edge for financiers of businesses.

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